The Creator is in the Creation

Just as the tree is inside the seed and the tree gives forth seeds, just as a father helps to create a son and the son’s birth does not diminish the father, creation is a product of the Creator who is not diminished by His own creation.  He exists within His creation and His creation exists in Him.

Quantum physics has expounded on this concept with the model of the Quantum hologram.  The whole exists within the part and the parts make up the whole.  If you take a piece of a three dimensional holographic image it contains the vantage point of the image but the whole image is contained in the piece.  This reflects the nature of divinity.  Divinity is latent within all of creation, it is our perception or “vantage point” that colors our view of creation.  We choose to experience creation as a set of divine events or just a bunch of random sequences that have no meaning.  It is our choice to walk with the knowledge and awareness of the Creator in the creation or to see the world around us as separate from divinity.


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