Scientifically Spiritual Resources

The connection between science and spirituality has been elaborated upon by many and has been the goal for seekers of truth.  The scientific method looks to provide repeatable experiences that can show how well thought out experiments can be proven.  The spiritual approach is based on faith and a willingness to suspend one’s own understanding for the guidance from a higher understanding.  A scientifically spiritual approach gives one the tools to ability to access the realm of spirit on a repeatable basis.  This access gives you the ability to commune with higher levels of awareness that will expand your conceptions and let you see the inability of your own limited thought process to create the world you want.  By surrendering to a limitless Source you will be able to reach levels that are unimaginable from your current vantage point.

Here are some resources that give a practical approach to spirituality.

Autobiography of a Yogi
Yogananda was a highly evolved person who lived in the earlier part of the 20th century.  He was able to bring science and spirituality together in a way that makes sense.  His accounts may seem somewhat fantastic but they are grounded in his real life accounts and clarity of thought.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Dr. Wayne Dyer gives highly inspirational talks that provide a common sense approach to handling life’s situations.  He also provides real life circumstances and refreshing humor to help the message hit home.

The Mysticism of Sound and Music
Hazrat Inyat Khan was a master vina player who gives an excellent account on the connections of music and spirituality.  His poetic perspective provides a way of understanding how our whole existence is based on sound and vibration.


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