Dealing with Sinus Pressure

As a consequence of dealing with a cold I thought it might be a good service to share some of my techniques to help alleviate the pain.  As anyone whose had a sinus cold can attest to it’s a very, and I repeat, very painful experience when you have that pressure crushing in on your eyeballs or the back of your head.  Some of the research I have done has shown that three things help alleviate this pain:

  • Humidity
  • Clearing the nasal passages
  • Hot and cold compresses

The main cause of the pressure is either infection that has set in because the mucous membranes were too dry or irritation from something your system is allergic to.  If you have a cold too it also compromises your immune system and you need to boost whatever sinus relief methods with vitamin C, zinc and healthy foods.

  • The best method of relief is to take a hot towel and place it on your face.  Do this repeatedly until you feel better.  
  • Another thing that helps out a lot (and I know it sounds weird but it works) is taking a handheld massager and vibrating it (on the low setting) on the back of your neck and even on your nose and temples.  This helps to break up the mucous.
  • Similar to the effects of the massager, chanting helps to create vibration in your sinus cavity to break up the mucous or dilate your sinuses.  I chant AUM for several minutes and that helps to regulate my breathing as well.
  • Putting a humidifier in your room helps out tremendously.  I felt a difference immediately when I turned it on. 
  • Using a neti pot to clear your nasal passages helps out a lot too.  I use the traditional old school method of putting sea salt water in my hand and inhaling it in and spitting it out.  It may seem gross but it helps to moisturize the nasal passages and clears them as well.
  • The last and probably second best method of helping your sinus pressure is taking a warm shower.  Even though it makes you feel better immediately, you can’t take a shower all day, so the other methods help out while you’re taking your sick day.

Here’s another article that may give some more perspective:

Disclaimer: I am by no means a medical expert and if you need medical advice consult a physician.  I’m just sharing my experiences.


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