Time Traveling

Many people traditionally think of time traveling as getting into a fancy machine, setting a date and pressing a button that will take you to that date in time in the future or the past.  Well there are new concepts that are changing our perception of time travel and they postulate that by using our thoughts we can travel to any point in time and gain from the experience.  Now to many this approach may not seem as glorious and exciting as actually physically going there but in actuality as far as our bodies are concerned there is no difference. 

Current research has shown that our bodies do not know the difference between an actual physical event, the remembrance of a past event, or an imagined event.  Our brains release the same chemicals regardless of the experience and our muscles create tension or relaxation according to our feeling and emotion of that experience. 

By focusing our thoughts on a past event that we really enjoyed we can according to Anthony Hamilton, “send positive vibrations from the past into our present.” This is an exciting proposition.  We can create our own present conditions just by remembering a past experience and focusing on the energy of that experience.

Similarly by focusing on an event in the future or by daydreaming, we can send positive vibrations from the future to our present experience.  Regardless of the perspective everything we have experienced or will experience all happens in the “now,” the present moment.  That’s the meaning behind the statement, “I Am.” Whatever is, was, or will be is all contained in that statement of “I Am.”

I want to introduce to you a profound and basic concept from the Abraham-Hicks philosophy that will expand on this concept of time traveling.  What you are feeling and experiencing right now is an indicator of what you were thinking at some time in the past.  What you will be feeling and experiencing in the future will be an indicator of what you are thinking about right now. 

This concept demonstrates in clear terms that we are, “the masters of our fate, the captains of our soul.” Simply by having a consistent thought pattern we are creating our own experience.  In order to consciously or “con-sciencely” create our experience, in other words create our experience scientifically or “with” knowledge, we have to know what it is we want to create.  This makes it imperative that we do two things: think creatively and then focus our thoughts. 

Thinking creatively may not be so difficult for some.  It’s fun to brainstorm about what it is we want.  We can look at new cars, houses, relationships, etc. and point to that thing that we would love to have or experience.  The second task, focusing our thoughts, is a little bit more difficult. 

The mind is a tricky thing, it seems to have a “mind of its own.” We have habitual thoughts that creep into our minds and patterns that are difficult to break.  Psychologists and researchers have all studied these aspects and how to address them.  One effective way to master your mind is to create new habits.  We are hard-wired for habits.  It gives us comfort because it’s something that is familiar.  We like to do things the same way or at least know that that option is available because it’s what we know and we like to be in control: knowing is control.  By knowing the parameters we can control the outcome and not have any surprises. 

This is important for human behavior because in our formative years as a species we needed to know when the rains came so we could plant food.  We needed to know where the safest place to make camp was so we didn’t get eaten by tigers and other large predators.  Similarly in our age of more complex relationships we need to know if we tell someone our secrets that they will not share them on social media.  We need to know that we have money coming in to pay our rent or mortgage.  In order to create these circumstances we use habits.  We have friends that we see often and get to learn their patterns of behavior creating trust in their ability to keep a secret.  We have our daily routine of going to a job every morning that routinely gives us a paycheck every month or every other Friday so we can pay our living expenses.  These are all habits that we create to give us some stability in our daily experience. 

If there is something that we do not like about our experience it is up to us to change it.  We do this by changing our habits.  If we want to lose weight then we have to change what we habitually eat and do.  We need to adopt a workout routine.  This however is usually not enough because the physical behavior is just one side of the coin.  The thoughts surrounding the situation have to be examined.  Why do we want to lose weight? What created the weight gain in the first place? Sometimes it’s a simple matter like someone being pregnant and wanting to lose weight after the pregnancy but other times it may be a more complex issue of a person’s self-esteem stemming from a childhood incident. 

Regardless of the circumstance we can use time-travel to help us create our new experiences.  By envisioning what it is we want to have happen and then remembering an experience that has a similar emotion or feeling, we can experience the future event in our present circumstance.  This may seem confusing but just think about it for a second.  If you see some dessert in front of you and you feel like you don’t have enough will power at the moment to not eat it, think back to a time when you did have will power and did resist the temptation to do something.  This will give you the energy because it is a past event, something that you have already done which proves the fact that you have will power.  So in this present circumstance after thinking about your past success, you can truthfully make the statement that you feel more powerful at the moment.  Now envision yourself at the weight that you want to be and you will feel even more powerful enjoying that “daydream.”

This is an effective way to time travel and use your thought energy to create new and better experiences in your life.


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