Reboot With Juice

I know I'm going to sound like an infomercial right now but, I've found this amazing fast that actually works.  I've lost 5 pounds in the last 3 days and I haven't jogged, walked or lifted any weights.  Of course I'm going to go back to doing my workouts but at least I can start at the weight I want to start at.  This fast reboots your system bringing it back to a healthy balance.  It's a 7-10 day fast of juicing fruits and vegetables for their micro-nutrients.  You will get headaches and hunger pains but if you drink enough water and juice when they come you can stave them off.  It definitely takes some concentration, effort and willpower but it's only 7-10 days and in the scheme of things that's a small price to pay for the imbalanced eating I've done in the past.

Here's the movie that inspired my fast and some juice recipes to get started:

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

Recipe Video

Recipes and Grocery List


  1. Juice is perfect for the fast. Juice fast is very good for the weight loss.

    Mangosteen Juice

  2. You're right Lucas, juice puts micro-nutrients into your blood stream to give you nutrition during your fast.


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