Allowing Abundance

We tend to think that we need more abundance in our lives, this however is a flawed understanding of how the universe actually works.  We are already abundant and we already have abundance, it just may not be the type of abundance we are requesting.  If you have no money then you have an abundance of the LACK of money.  The key to getting what you are desiring is to not focus on one way of attaining it.  As Bashar so eloquently states the definition of abundance is “The ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.”

This makes it easier to see how we can get caught up on symbols of abundance and not allow for ourselves to truly experience real abundance in our lives.  As he states further:

“Take the charge off what abundance needs to be represented by
Why do you care how it comes to you?
The idea is to relax the need …that it must come in a certain way
Because, paradoxically when you actually insist that abundance can only represented by one symbol
You actually close all the doors through which abundance could come in other forms
So you are actually not being abundant at all” - Bashar

Another key understanding is that we are always supported by the universe.  I was jogging once (customarily I receive deep insights while jogging) and this phrase just popped into my head, “The Universe is benevolent.” It kept repeating itself and I took that to be an answer to one of my early questions about a lot of negativity I had seen around me.  If the universe is benevolent, then we have nothing to fear and we can stand in the knowledge that all our needs will be provided for.

“The universe does not make superfluous mistakes it does not create more than it is capable of supporting…"

“If you exist there must be enough for you and it must come in a form that is actually relevant for what represents your highest excitement, your highest preference” - Bashar


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