It’s Not The Same River

I was reminded of this quote by Heraclitus yesterday about stepping into the same river twice.  It brought home my feelings about phobias and fears.  If you are experiencing fear about a particular situation it is usually based on a past experience that went wrong.  After being trapped in an elevator for an hour some years ago I always take a pause before I get on an elevator and in many cases avoid them altogether.  Of course I know it’s not rational to behave and think this way, but because of a previous memory based on experience, I am cautious.  

Now common sense would tell me that I have way more experiences where riding an elevator did not result in being trapped but because there is that remote possibility I guess I want to increase my odds of not having that experience again. 

Given that understanding it is helpful and comforting to hear the idea put forth by Heraclitus that you never step into the same river twice. Just because I had one experience doesn’t mean I’m going to have that same experience again. 

I can take comfort in knowing that because the “water” of life keeps flowing, I don’t have to hold on to past fears because each situation brings with it new experiences.  I can choose to focus on the positive memories and pleasant experiences and make those my recurring thoughts.


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