Resist the Temptation to Belittle

In our haste to condemn all of the oppression, bigotry and negativity in the world, we must be vigilant against the temptation to take the moral high ground and become just like those we are wanting to condemn…high and mighty.

It’s tempting to make fun of those who are acting mean and ugly to diffuse their actions or look at them as less of a threat.  This however only feeds their meanness and creates a chasm between you and them preventing any real dialog and healing from happening. 

Ideas and beliefs are shared communally but acted on individually.  There are those who will never listen to reason, at the same time there are those who may be persuaded by a logical explanation.  Convince those who you can and the rest, you can “shake the dust off your feet” and keep it movin’. 

And with those whom you can’t reason with, resist the temptation to belittle them because in the end you are in essence becoming like them, giving in to the dark side, I mean negativity J

As my momma and daddy used to say…

“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will make us all blind and toothless”


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