Everything Exists

Any thought you may have from the craziest to the most benevolent exists in the universe. We create it by our thoughts. Continuous focus on something will bring it into your experience. 

If we watch the news we are focusing on experiences that a few people want us to see because they have researched the kind of stories that will make them the most money. 

There are more benevolent experiences happening with as much if not more frequency than the crazy ones.

It is the collection of these experiences that form the story that we decide to tell ourselves.  

If you seek unity then don't highlight division. 

Search for the examples that support unity and tell those stories. 

You can find examples of everything that exists in the universe to support whatever you want to believe in. 

If you believe unity of humankind can exist then look for examples of its existence and champion those examples.

Tell a good story. Focus on the experiences that empower you. Reference the bad ones only to show how you triumphed.

You are the director and main character of your own movie. Write your own script.


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