The Divine Feminine is Awakening

After witnessing the global response to this weekend’s inauguration it is apparent that women across the globe and the feminine aspects in all of us are awakening.  Love, compassion, feeling, caring, nurturing, protection and passion are a few of these aspects and they have been dormant in many societies and individuals. 

With the rise of men who have come to power in many of the world’s strongest countries who represent the opposite of these characteristics, a surge of people have responded worldwide to make their presence known, that they will champion the ideals that are being discarded and will protect and nurture those who feel helpless.

Stories abound in many cultures of the divine feminine who protects, cares for and nurtures those who are helpless.  They also foretell how energies will ultimately seek balance and when too much masculine energy dominates, feminine energy will respond and diminish it.

Here is a list of some of the prominent divine feminine figures in many cultures with links to descriptions about them   

·       Durga
·       Saraswati
·       Lakshmi
·       Parvati
·       Yemonja
·       Mami Wata
·       Oshun
·       Oya
·       Auset
·       Het-Heru
·       The Great Spirit
·       Sita
·       Radha
·       Virgin Mary
·       Mary Magdelene
·       Athena
·       Aphrodite
·       Demeter
·       Persephone
·       Lilith


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