The Process of Creation

After listening to this session from Abraham I had some clarification on the process of creation and the purpose behind our drive to be a creator.

We come into this physical body from pure positive energy (Source) with the intent of practicing our skills of creation. It’s the contrast in our experience that helps us to define what it is we want to create.

We get off track sometimes however and focus too much on the contrasting experience and not on what it is that we are wanting to create from that experience.  This causes resistance and a “wobble” in our vibration because Source energy has expanded to become that which we are wanting to create and our vibration is still in the vibration of lack.

We need to stay focused on what it is we want to create with the same higher vibration that Source has.  However even in this circumstance we can still get off because if a lot of time has passed and we have been in the vibration of lack for a while, we have practiced a frequency of lack long enough that whenever we think about that subject we immediately initiate the same negative vibration that keeps us in a “wobbling” state. 

In order to “trick” ourselves into allowing that which we are wanting we have to think about other things that make us happy and bring our vibrational frequency higher.  When we do this, by default all things that we are wanting will start to manifest because we are aligning ourselves with Source energy.  Once we are up to speed with our higher energy vibration, all of things that we have put into our vortex will manifest almost immediately.


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