Mental Rehearsal

Learning how to creatively manifest your reality is not as complex as we may think.  Taking several minutes out of your day consistently can have an amazing impact on your day.  If you visualize and walk through whatever it is that you are trying to manifest it has been scientifically proven that your body doesn’t know the difference between the mentally created event and the physical one.  Dr. Joe Dispenza speaks about this phenomenon extensively.

A vocalist friend Ms. Lenora Helm told me about alto saxophonist Bunky Green who experienced this phenomenon earlier in his career.   Years ago he was hospitalized for a long time with his back in traction. Because he was partially paralyzed he was unable to move around.  Since he couldn’t physically practice he would mentally rehearse two jazz standards, “Green Dolphin Street” and “Cherokee” through all twelve keys.  When he came out of the hospital it was as if he never stopped playing. 


  1. You have really hit on something here, Will! Olympic athletes always talk about rehearsing their victory and picturing the successful outcome of their efforts and training. I'm told the subconscious doesn't know the difference between the rehearsal and the actual experience, and thus delivers much of the same physical, mental and emotional aspects of that visualized experience! If I endeavor to accomplish anything of importance as far as a personal goal, I ALWAYS visualize it first! Thanks Will for reminding us!!


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