Negative Thoughts Are Like Weeds

Negative thoughts are like weeds.  You don’t need to plant them they sprout up on their own.  Weeds will overtake a garden if it is unattended.  Weeds grow anywhere and are highly resilient.  If you want your mind to become a Garden of Eden then you must take out the weeds by their roots and diligently apply weed repelling substances that will keep them from coming back. Weeds spread their seeds through the air much like negative thoughts are around us in the ether.  It doesn’t take much effort to pick up a negative thought from the ether.  The key is to not hold onto it.  Just like the dandelion seed that drifts into your garden from your neighbor’s yard. If you have prepared your soil properly the seed will not take root and it will continue to drift in the wind.  

Your mind is like a garden and your thoughts are the soil. You have to add fertilizer in the form of nurturing and uplifting information to help it to grow.  Then in order for your garden to be beautiful you must plant beautiful ideas like flowers that will add color and life to your garden.  These ideas will, after care and attention, bloom into beautiful flowers and provide enjoyment and sustenance for all who encounter them.  Some will swarm to them like bees seeking nectar.  Others will admire them and be inspired to plant their own flowers.  Let your flowers bloom and let your life be a Garden of Eden.


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