Be Selfish not selfish

Be like your higher Self not your lower ego-identified self.  Ask yourself in every situation what would your higher Self do in this circumstance and be open and accepting of the answer.  Our higher Self knows the outcome and the reason for the situation because it can see the holographic view.  Our ego or lower self sees only one fractal of the whole picture and doesn’t have the whole image.  So by making decisions and choices from our lower self we are basically taking a gamble and throwing the dice hoping for a good roll.  

Now the key is learning how to listen to the higher Self.  Everyone has a different way of receiving messages.  Some people actually hear a voice.  Others may see words in patterns around them like in newspapers or billboard ads.  Some people hear the words in the lyrics of a song on the radio.  You may also get advice from a friend that seems to make sense.  These are ways that our higher Self reaches out and talks to us. 
There is also a technique developed by Dr. David Hawkins that uses muscle testing to see how closely aligned with our higher Self we are.  It is a simple test requiring two people that involves asking a question and then seeing if your arm can be pushed down from the wrist.  If it is an answer that makes you strong then your arm will hold firm but if it is an answer that makes you weak then your arm will go down.  What we are striving for are thoughts that make us strong because that lets us know that we are connected to our higher Self which is infinitely stronger than our lower self.


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