Thank Your Body

Take some time to appreciate your body.  Give thanks to your feet for taking you all the places you have been in your life.  Give thanks to your hands for serving you all these years and helping you achieve the goals in your life.  Give thanks to your tongue for tasting all the good food over your life.  Give thanks to your eyes for all they have seen and processed.  Give thanks to your ears for bringing all that good music to you.  Give thanks to your nose for smelling great scents.  Give thanks to your blood for bringing all the nutrients to your body.  Give thanks to your lungs for bringing you air.  Give thanks to your brain for processing all the information your senses give it and making sense of it.  Give thanks to your skin for protecting you from the elements.  Give thanks to your digestive system for processing all the food you’ve eaten.  Give thanks to your heart for pumping the blood through your system.   

Notice how you can step back from this “body suit” and realize that you are not your body but are just inhabiting it to accomplish tasks.  Be thankful for the gift of your body and treat it well.  Talk to it and make friends with it.  Know that you existed before your body and you will exist after it is no more but be grateful for it while you have it.


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