Classification of “Problems”

What we see as problems are only challenges to move our consciousness and awareness to the next level.  As we go higher we realize that these things we call problems always yield a positive result.  They are meant to squeeze the ego out of us so that we will come to know our true self. Some of these challenges may seem unnecessary, pointless and downright frustrating, but that is from our limited perspective.  Our buttons have to be pushed in order to release the ego.  The ego wants everything to go as planned or go the way it wants it to go.  Even the small amount of ego that believes that it is “over” a challenge that it had encountered before.  You can always lapse into an ego response if you are not careful.

  •         The first kind of problem/challenge is the minor nuisance
  •      Up the scale is the problem that is a threat to stability
  •          The most severe is the life threatening problem

In all of these problems there is a baseline lack of confidence in the Self.  The ability to overcome the problem escapes our consciousness and we feel powerless and helpless in the face of the uncertainty.  In these circumstances it is important to surround oneself with positive life affirming energy to change the energy dynamic that is happening inside of us.  We can gather those around us that help us to feel loved and encouraged.  We can also listen to positive life-affirming music or talks.  Reading positive books and books on spirituality can help.  One of the most important activities when we are in this state is to meditate and/or chant.  A guided meditation is best because we are not stable at this point and our thoughts will wander into dark places if we are not vigilant.  Chanting will definitely change the vibration of your body and thus your mind will follow.  AUM, the Gayatri and any other religious chant that has meaning to you will help at this time.

Once we are back to a state of confidence in the higher power to assist us we can begin to visualize what it is we want to have happen in the circumstance.  We are co-creators and can summon the power of the universe to assist us in the creation process.  It is important to have a desireless attitude when we are creating.  This may seem contradictory to the idea of creating but when we create from a detached space we are not creating in an idle way.  Our creations serve a broader purpose and are aligned with the highest good.  Just feel what it is that would be right and good at that moment.  What would be a better circumstance than the one right now.  Be aware of your desires and let go of the one’s that serve only you.  What would be the best possible circumstance that would be an alternative to this one.    When that picture has come, visualize it in color and vibrancy and then put yourself in the picture and feel, taste, smell, hear and see all that is around you at that moment.

At the core of all of these issues is the belief that we are separate from God and that we know better than God how to fix situations and circumstances.  When we let go of our need to be right we will see that what is really right is letting the moment unfold and participate in a non-attached way.


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