Barber Story and the Existence of God

I came across an interesting story the other day about a Barber, his client and the existence of God.

There was a Barber who said to his Client that "There is no God.  If there was there wouldn’t be suffering."

The Client leaves the Barber Shop and sees a man on the street with long locks and not shaven.

He goes back to Barber and says "Barbers don’t exist because there are people with long hair and beards."

The Barber says,  "That’s not true.  I exist.  He just hasn’t come to me for help."

- This story was paraphrased from how it was originally told by Sri Sathya Sai Baba

With all the challenging events that are going on in the world at the moment we can take comfort in the fact that the Creator or God Force will always be there to help if we just ask.


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