Tell A Good Story

The key is to tell the story that you want to be told.  We get into too many ruts telling the same old stories we’ve told ourselves and the same old stories others have told us.  Just look at TV and the movies.  These are stories being told to us by people who have their own concepts about how life should be.  Take time during the day to tell your own stories the way you want things to be.  

Reinterpret your experiences so that they empower you and not disempower you.  Create a narrative around how each and every obstacle you face made you stronger and taught you how to handle those types of circumstances.  In fact anything that is bothering you consider it a blessing because it gives you the opportunity to create a new story and to create details in your story that are more compelling. 
By telling your story the way you want it to be told you take ownership of your life and begin to actually shape future experiences.  Good feeling things will come your way and you will be more aware of them when they arrive because you are looking for them.  Breakout the popcorn! Enjoy your story.  You’re the main character in your own feature film and you get to call the camera angles, provide the soundtrack, and arrange the events so the story is authentically yours.


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