Angelic Chorus of Crickets

Someone posted on Facebook a link to this amazing audio recorded by Jim Wilson of crickets slowed down and it sounds like a heavenly chorus of angels singing with complete harmony.  

As Tom Waits states on Jim’s Soundcloud page, “It's like a sweeping chorus of heaven, and it's just slowed down, they didn't manipulate the tape at all.” Crickets have a short life span and it makes you wonder if they hear the recording in this manner as a slowed down process. 

This is a groundbreaking recording that shows without a doubt that we are still unaware of the host of miracles that surround us everyday.  I as most people, have been annoyed by that nagging cricket that gets trapped in the house and keeps you up at night.  After hearing this recording I have a new appreciation for the sound that they create and I will take care to find the cricket next time and put him back outside to join his friends in their glorious singing.

You can listen to the crickets here

You can purchase a CD here


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