Your Life Is A Song

I came across this amazing account of a tribe in Africa (not sure which one) who identify everyone with a song.  You identity is literally wrapped up in a song since before you are born and after you die your song is part of the cultural memory of the village.  This is a wonderful tradition.

Before you are even conceived your mother communes with your spirit and receives your song while meditating under a tree.  Once she has the tune she teaches it to her mate who sings it with her during their intercourse.  While you are incubating in her womb she sings the song to you and when you are born your song is sung in the village.  Throughout your important moments in life (adulthood initiations, wedding, achievements, failures) your song is song to you to remind you of who you are and when you are at your life’s end it is sung again to send you home.

As a musician I can’t think of a more powerful way to connect someone to their soul.   

Image courtesy of digitalart/


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