
I recently did some research on reflexology since my niece just graduated from her massage therapy class and I thought some of this information may be helpful for those who are looking at using this method to help them alleviate pain.  I know I’ve recently suffered from some sinus pressure and also some neck and back pains, and from my experience some of these techniques really do work.  They provide some temporary relief from the pain and when you are really feeling it, any relief is truly welcome.

For headaches if you pinch the fleshy part of your hand with your thumb and index finger where you feel a knot, you will get relief from the headache.  They key is to find the knot which is usually on the hand that is opposite the side where the headache is felt.  So for instance if you have a headache on the left side of your head then look for the knot on the right hand.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and the benefits of reflexology have not been approved by the medical establishment


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