Do You Ever Listen To Music Without Analyzing It?

A musician friend of mine posted a great question on Facebook:

Do you ever listen to music (particularly jazz music) without analyzing it?

My response was:

Good discussion topic…  It's like cooking.  Some dishes you really like but when you find out the ingredients you seem to think about it whenever you eat the dish after that, and wonder if it has too much or too little of one thing.  As a professional analyzer I had to re-train myself to shut it off and enjoy the music, flavor or whatever it is in the moment.  It became a meditation.  I had to re-member how to just "be."

As Einstein said:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" ...
"When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come close to the conclusion that the gift of imagination has meant more to me than any talent for absorbing absolute knowledge."

How to you return to the place of wonder after you have examined something thoroughly and know how it works?

I had a similar conversation the other day about how science is an attempt to understand nature but it is in nature where everything originates.

What are your thoughts?


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