Deliberate Creation From the Heart

Much has been said over the years about the process of deliberate creating. Many teachers point to the process of visualization as the way to manifest whatever we desire.  While that may be part of the process, it is only one of the steps.  Being able to manifest takes positive vibrations and emotions and when aligned with a clear visualization, can create amazing results.

Abraham talks about our manifestation vortex as a grid and how we are creating them through our thoughts, desires and emotions.  Whether we are conscious or unconscious of them we are creating them nonetheless.   What she emphasizes is that we need to be engaged in the process and take ownership of our thoughts, desires and emotions.  In this way we begin to make sense out of our lives and can also change direction if we so choose. 

What is also of paramount importance is how we feel. Being focused more so on how we feel than on what we think will guide us to better and better manifestations.  It will also prevent us from hindering the manifestation by moving us away from the temptation of asking “why hasn’t it come yet.”

If we are focused on our thoughts we can get caught up in second guessing our desires.  If we focus on our emotions then we can make sure we are feeling good and in a balanced state.  When we are in that state we can’t help but align with the manifestation of our desires.

Advanced Deliberate Creation – Abraham (My notes)

  • If you can go general and stay there long enough with no resistance then as your grid begins to fill in and you notice it, you get better at discerning the subtleties of those specifics
  • It’s fun when you say I want that and it comes
  • What should your attention be on? How you feel.
  • Not the thought that caused the feeling
  • If you’re focused on how you feel your tending to your grid
  • The thought causes the feeling but when you focus on the feeling the manifestation comes
  • I’m going to vibrationally ready myself for the manifestation I seek
  • If you’re just blundering around observing, and observing, creating grids and not begin able to make any associations with what flowed into what grid and how that grid felt when you were making it, that’s creating by default.  Deliberate creating is so much more delicious

One of the Spirit Science videos has more detail on this idea of connecting with our emotions.  It goes into how we can connect with the organ that guides our emotions: our heart.  Patch references scientific studies that have shown how the heart is actually its own brain.  Traditionally we have thought of the heart as just responding to the brain’s directions.  Now new science has shown how the heart releases its own hormones and can affect the brain as well.  

Spirit Science - Power of the Heart

Bashar has more to add to this concept of deliberate creating.  He talks about the higher mind as being our guide and in a similar way to Abraham, says that we are not a whole person until we begin to commune with our higher mind as we move through life.  
Bashar gives the analogy of the higher mind on the mountaintop and the physical mind in the valley.  Unless we consult with the higher mind our physical mind will be as Abraham says “blundering about” trying to find its way. The Spirit Science talk about the heart as a type of brain with its own mind implies in essence that our heart is our higher mind and we need to “think” more from the heart.

What is also key is that we, as Abraham says, “keep it general.”  Don’t try to conjure up all of the details of how we want something to manifest.  Allow the higher mind or the vortex to come up with the highest possible version that will be exactly what you what and exactly what you need.  
Sometimes the manifestation you visualized is the highest version but that is most often not the case.  We are not able to see into the distant future like our higher mind can and do not know what would be the best thing for us.

Physics of Intention (My notes)

  • Any image your physical mind can conjure up will function as a symbol or representation as an ideal scenario
  • Your higher mind will know the best scenario. Rely on the higher mind to create a higher version
  • Use your limitation to your advantage, allow the unexpected to come, realize what is happening is part of your manifestation
  • Allow the higher mind to gift you surprise after surprise
  • Life will become an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity
  • You don’t have to work so hard on
  • It might be that the highest representation is the one you are envisioning but more often than not your higher mind is capable of bringing to you a version that is much greater
  • Do not insist that your vision is the only way
  • Higher mind is on the mountain top and the physical mind is in the valley and can guide you because it can see much farther
  • If you only use your physical mind, you are not a whole person

All of these teachers have the same message said in a different way and they are driving home the point that we as co-creators with our higher self can manifest anything we need and in fact as we are moving through life we are designing our needs through our thoughts, desires and emotions.  The way to make these manifestations happen quicker and to be able to notice the synchronicities more is as with learning any topic, practice and engagement.  Being engaged with the process and above all focusing on our emotions and not the activity will create the things we desire.  Noticing the synchronicities and being in a state of gratitude will reveal more and more synchronistic moments allowing us to see how our whole existence is in complete alignment.


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