What is True Freedom?

This weekend we are celebrating Independence Day which for most signifies the end of the armed conflict against England to become a sovereign nation.  But what is true freedom? Of course the ability to determine one’s own destiny without the risk of persecution and oppression is definitely part of that definition.  Fortunately as citizens we have that right and that’s what we celebrate on the 4th of July, but do we stop there, have we achieved true freedom?

Surely we can point to political and societal issues that we feel may be a hinderance to us, yet just like our constitutional rights all of these things are external factors.  Is our freedom based on how others treat us?  If we have physical freedom yet are still mentally and emotionally enslaved by thoughts or addictions how can we call that freedom?

Just like in physical slavery there are two types of slaves, one who knows they are enslaved and one who doesn’t.  The one who knows they are mentally enslaved has an awareness of the circumstances yet finds it difficult to change because their thoughts have become a habit.  The one who doesn’t know they are enslaved is one who has not become aware of their thoughts and how they are dictating their behavior.  They are the epitome of the word un-conscious. Even though the former is conscious they are acting unconsciously.

We have to choose thoughts, words and actions that are indicative of the highest version of ourselves which predicates that we have to know what that is.  The axiom posted on the gateway to the mystery schools in Egypt was “Know Thyself.” The only way to get to that truth is to ask yourself the tough questions:

  • Is this behavior serving me?
  • What thoughts are creating this behavior?
  • Are those thoughts based on lower vibrations such as fear, anger, etc.?
  • What beliefs do I hold that are causing me to act this way?
  • Are those beliefs consistent with the highest version of myself?
  • What thoughts can I choose that are closer to my highest self?
  • What actions can I choose that reflect my higher self?

In the end we are all responsible for our own liberation and even though it is a collective journey and we can help each other along the way, we must walk the royal road to freedom on our own.  In the immortal words of Bob Marley, “emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.”


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