Analog and Digital Spiritual Technology

I’ve talked about using inner technology to bring forth awareness in our lives, however, there are external methods and technological advances that can be used to help us connect to ourselves.

In ancient times our primary technology was ritual.  We would come together usually around fire to help us connect to the greater part of our Self. There were a lot of symbols used to help us see the unity in all creation.  Music and movement were also a big part of the ceremony and it helped us to use frequencies to change vibrational states.

We still use these methods today in churches, mosques, temples and shrines.  These are the analog tools of external spiritual technology.  The digital age has brought a whole set of other tools into the mix.  The use of apps to give horoscope and Tarot readings, holy books available online and as apps, meditation music and guided meditations on Youtube and podcasts of sermons or spiritual talks.  These external tools are part of a consortium of spiritual technological techniques used today.

We are blessed to be in this day and time where we have such tools and yet sometimes people become so overwhelmed they lose sight of the purpose of these tools and focus on the tool itself.  We can get lost in the paralysis of analysis.  What we need to focus on is our own intention and our mood.  If we maintain pure intentions and attend to our emotional state and make sure we keep centered around joy and contentment, we can use these tools effectively and not get to the point of being used by them.


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