Using “Spiritual Technology” To Create Your Experience

As a continuation of my previous post on “Science and Spirit” I intend to explore the idea of “spiritual technology” in the next few articles. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this concept.

The concept of spiritual technology has been floated around for a while.  I picked the term up from a friend of mine who practices Native American healing.  The basic premise is that just like using a scientific approach to study the external world, we can use a scientific approach to study the inner world.  Many greats like Paramahansa Yogananda, Vivekananda, Pierre Tielhard de Chardin have taken this perspective and considered science as a friend of spirituality. 

The scientific method is “observation, measurement and experiment, which leads to the formulation, testing and modification of your hypotheses.” 

By taking a scientific approach to spirituality we can observe what is going on in our lives, measure our responses to it and experiment with different responses.  Then we can come up with a way of being that is consistent with how we want to experience life.  This is taking true ownership of your life and what the true meaning of being conscious is – con-science (with science).

To use spiritual technology effectively we need to pay attention to our mood generally and our emotions specifically. Your mood plays a big role in how you experience each day.  The psychological definition of a mood is:

“A mood is an emotional state. Moods differ from emotions in that they are less specific, less intense, and less likely to be triggered by a particular stimulus or event.”

When you understand how moods are created you can better create the mood that you desire. 

Moods are established by a set of emotions.  When you experience an event you have an emotional reaction to it.  That initial emotion sets the perception of what is happening to us and can shape our successive emotional reactions to whatever happens to us next.  After you have similar consecutive emotional reactions you reach an emotional state or mood. 

What we routinely fail to consider is the amount of power this mood has over our life and how it can affect us in the long term.  A thought that is repeated habitually over a period of time develops a substantial amount of energy and affects everything around you.

Abraham Hicks talks about this phenomenon in their exercise called “68 seconds of pure thought.”  They contend that if have 68 seconds of pure thought you unleash powerful amounts of energy towards creating the life you have imagined.

You start out with holding a pure thought (meaning non-contradicted thought) in your mind for 17 seconds.  This thought is “equivalent to 2,000 action hours.” As you hold your thought for another 17 seconds the power is exponentially increased tenfold to 20,000 action hours.  As you continue to hold your thought and eventually hold it in your mind for 68 seconds, you have spent the equivalent of 2,222,000 action hours towards your visualization.

This power can be used to help or hinder you.  It is a description of the power of your thoughts and when aligned with your emotions, can affect your daily life from a macro and micro standpoint.

We choose our thoughts habitually everyday and assign meaning to circumstances based off of previous thought patterns.  Instead of being unaware of our habitual thought process, we can look back at our previous choices and become aware of the pattern of events, and how each choice led to a specific result.  This will give us the observation and measurement aspects of the scientific method. 

Our next step is to begin to choose differently or refine our choices if they are amenable.  This will allow us to experiment with new thoughts and create new states of mind or moods to help us be more joyful and content.  This is the experimental phase of the scientific method. 

Lastly we can examine our many thought experiments and choose the ones that serve us the most, thus formulating our own idea of what it means to consciously human. 

The power of our thoughts and the subsequent power of emotions, shapes our lives each moment.  If we can choose our thoughts consciously (with conscience or with the scientific method) we will be able to shape our life with joy and contentment, because we will see it as our own creation, a tapestry of intentionally selected experiences, that we willingly manifested for the purpose of our own awareness.



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