Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is a time where the Earth is closest to the Sun, making it the longest day of the year.  Spiritually it is a time to get closest to the light and to connect with the source of divine power.  The Sun since ancient times has been revered as the giver of life because without it most forms of life would not exist due to the warmth it gives to our planet which provides the weather and climate we have, and the photosynthesis that takes place through our plants that provides the quality of air for us to breath.  

Symbolically the Sun represents power and it is also located at the third chakra level which symbolizes fire and consumption.  It is the engine that drives our outside world and inside of us it is the engine that digests our food and provides energy to sustain us.

This summer solstice is also associated with ascension and the rise of spiritual masters to the highest plane.  Krishna tells Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita that it is at this time of the calendar, when a saint who is called to ascend focuses his mind and breath in meditation and devotion, and “by the power of his meditation gathering between his eyebrows his whole vital energy attains the Supreme.”

This was a very important time to many ancient civilizations and many cultures around the world have megalithic structures that incorporate the summer solstice in their alignments.  Both The Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge are aligned to the summer solstice which goes to show that even cultures separated by many years and many miles shared the same reverence for this time of year.

Here’s to a magical and transformative Summer Solstice.


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