Summary of Abraham Teachings

Here's what I've come to after digesting much of the Abraham teachings ... use meditation and mantra to quiet your mind and slow down the momentum of thought.  Then use deliberate thoughts and intentions to start moving again.  Choose thoughts that feel good and cause you to appreciate things and people around you.  Go general at first then as you start feeling better get more specific and speed things up.  Don't beat yourself up about not being good at it or falling off now and again just get back in the raft and go back downstream. We are all going to be alright.

I have my rituals and steps now that I've practiced and work for me if I feel off my vibration. But the key is, I think, being able to recognize when you are off and acknowledge it.

If you can't say "I'm happy and excited about life" 80% of the time you have to get back into alignment with Source Energy...The masters were never down or upset about anything, that's because they were in alignment with Source energy. That's where we are aiming to be.

In the words of Yoda "mind what you have learned, save you it can."


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