Don’t Try So Hard

If you have visualized something that you are striving for and have not achieved it yet, it could be that you are keeping it at bay yourself.  If you are constantly wondering why it hasn’t come to you yet then your state of wondering might be what’s holding it up.  Let go and Let God, is the axiom here.  Stop thinking about it so much.  Do something else and I mean really “do” something else.  Be in the space and energy of something different and have fun.  Enjoy being in a different space and practice the state of mindfulness. This will actually raise your vibration so you can eventually be in harmony with what it is you are seeking.  

The key is to enjoy (in-joy) whatever it is you are doing because the joy brings forth higher and higher vibrational states.  This in turn reduces the physicality of your experience and makes it closer to a spiritual experience.  Spiritual masters have talked about time being less and less important as you get closer to the spirit plane.  Things are instantaneous in the spirit realm and when you get closer to this state of being, manifestation becomes more instantaneous as well.  

Vibrating at a spiritual rate while still remaining in the physical is the goal here and when that happens whatever it is you think of can manifest on the spot.  As Dr. Wayne Dyer says in his example of “How to Manifest Strawberry Ice Cream,” the first step is to get up and get it yourself.  The second step is to ask someone to get it for you.  The third step is to have someone spontaneously offer you the ice cream.  The fourth step is where the ice cream “just appears.”

Author’s Note:
These are my notes to myself that I am sharing on this blog and hopefully you get something from them.


  1. Hi William, I like your post very much, very in sight full...
    We are Creators of our existence....



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