Nature and Being Natural

I took a well needed walk in the park yesterday and felt completely rejuvenated.  You can never underestimate the power of nature to bring you back to a grounded state.  There is a silent communication that happens when I go to a place that has trees, plants water, birds and soil.  There is a quiet knowing of balance and peace. The reason why we say things are “natural” is because nature has a rhythm and a way of incorporating all things into an effortless flow.  

When I was swimming in the Caribbean some years ago, I felt a current pulling me and I started to swim harder to fight it.  My wife (who is from the Caribbean) was swimming with me and she told me not to fight it but to let the current take me because it will eventually lead us back to shore.  This is how nature guides us and re-harmonizes us back to our natural state of peace and equanimity.  By not fighting against things in life but allowing them to happen and swimming with them, we can let the current take us safely and effortlessly back home to ourselves.


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