Hills And Valleys, Time And Space

My experience has been that there are hills and valleys in life and that to really enjoy life in its fullest expression we have to learn how to be joyful in the valleys as well as in the hills.  The goal is to be joyful at all times and it is hardest to experience that when we are going through a crisis moment or when someone we care about is going through a crisis moment. 

The only way to deal with crisis or negative situations is to put them in perspective and look at the grand scheme of things.  Situations only seem daunting when we consider them in that specific moment of time.  If we broaden our view of time we can see how small these seemingly scary moments actually are.  This goes back to the maxim “the closer you are to an object the more random (or in this case chaotic) it appears.  The farther you are away from an object the more ordered it appears.”  Just like the Milky Way Galaxy up close looks like a bunch of star clusters, when you look at it from a far it is a beautiful spiral.  Order in chaos is what we can see in the Milky Way and we can see it in our own lives if we just take a step back and see it from a distance.

It helps to consider reincarnation in this equation as well because we can take an even broader view of time.  If we think of how many lives we have lived and that even death is not going to stop our movement through time then why be concerned with the outcome of a situation? Derive what awareness and joy you can from the situation and let it pass as another experience of this divine manifestation we call life.


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