Thankfulness As A Way Of Life

In my fast-paced life I forget sometimes to be thankful for the little things and even some of the big things.  If you have a roof over your head, running water, food and clothing you are doing better than a large percentage of the world’s population.  I remember visiting a village on the coast of Ghana and seeing kids playing. Some had clothes and others only had either a t-shirt or some shorts or just underwear.  I remember when I left, I left mostly all of my clothes there for them to have.  

If you have a computer or a cell phone then you are doing better than many folks on the planet because you have access to information.  Couple that with uncensored internet access and you are doing far better than many because a lot of countries censor their internet service.  

If you take the rest of the world off the table and think about your community, then consider if your bills are paid each month and if you have a job.  If you have that, then you are probably doing better than many if not most in just your community.  

Then think about your quality of life and consider if both your parents are still living and enjoying their lives.  Many people have either lost their parents or are even dealing with challenging illnesses.

Next consider if you are happily married.  Many people are divorced or are not happy in their marriage and then there are those who haven’t found someone to be with.  Factor this in and you are definitely in a smaller percentile. 

Consider your accomplishments.  Have you graduated high school, how about college, do you have a master’s or even a PhD?  I know many who have had challenges along the way and never completed their schooling.  

How have you fared in your career?  Have you accomplished many of your life goals?  Have you traveled to many of the places you wanted to go to?  If you haven’t done any of these then don’t feel bad you can look at the first part of this list and be thankful because if you are still breathing then you can say, “thank you” to the Creator for keeping you here.

I do indeed have a lot to be thankful for and even though I have had my share of challenges in life, I have to say comparatively, my life is pretty amazing and considering how things could have turned out I feel extremely blessed.


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