7 Ways to Cope With Phobias

As we go through life we have experiences that are not so pleasant and cause doubt and fear to arise within us.  It is important to not beat yourself up about feeling afraid of something,however, it is just as important to meet it head on.  Find ways of talking to yourself to help you see and understand the thing or situation you are afraid of from a different light.  Create mantras and affirmations to help you get through those moments when you have to deal with those situations that bring the fear up in you.

I have to do this as well because I developed a phobia of elevators some years ago after being stuck in one for over an hour.  I have had to deal with my mind creatively to help me get through various situations and although I still have the phobia I can function with it and have developed coping mechanisms to help me.

In dealing with my phobia I have had to come up with sayings and things that help me to feel better in the moment when I am on an elevator or an enclosed space.

  1. The ride will be over in a matter of seconds
  2. Compare that to all the time thinking and worrying about it and it seems like a colossal waste of time and energy to worry about a few seconds
  3. I will have my smart phone with me so I can always call someone
  4. I can also watch videos on my phone and distract myself for whatever length of time needed
  5. I can start typing ideas on my phone for some of my projects to help distract me
  6. I can repeat positive affirmations and mantras to help me change my energy
  7. I am fearless, I am bravery, I am strength

Hopefully this will help you cope with your phobias.  It isn’t easy and don’t let other people make you feel bad about having a phobia.  Find others who have it too and learn how they cope and manage it. I know a couple people who have similar phobias as mine and it is good to hear their stories and draw strength and courage from their victories.

It is important to recognize your phobia and stop trying to deny it because you want to believe that you are invincible.  There’s nothing wrong with having a phobia but there is something wrong with not addressing it.  Be honest with yourself first and then train yourself to be strong in the circumstance.  That’s true strength.  Real strength doesn’t come from not having fears but from having fears and conquering them. 


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