Sounds From Space

Back in 2007 astronomer Duncan Lorimer heard a radio signal coming from an area in space way beyond our galaxy.  Now if you’ve seen the movie Contact you know that once you hear one sound in space, if it repeats then it may be ET calling home.  Well this sound did repeat and scientists were very interested in it.  Other scientists who felt the sound might have been a mistake tried to discount the discovery and said that they had found similar sounds nearby that would debunk the previous sounds as an anomaly.  This cast a shadow of doubt on the find until…

Last year, 2013, the sound was heard again…4 times!  Now scientists are interested and of course they are coming up with theories as to what it is.  No one knows but it is creating a stir and is giving the UFO community something to talk about.  Maybe Jodie Foster will reprise her role and give us Contact 2.  

Here's an NPR broadcast discussing the find:



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