Cherish The Now

Remember those memories that stir nostalgia for times gone by.  Those moments in your life where you felt happiness, love, excitement, laughter and when you were in a nice happy place.  Picture that moment and relish the feeling that it gives you and see all the things that are around you and how even the slightest thing like a type of plant, kind of food, or style of car remind you of that emotion.  You almost start to pine for that moment and want to experience it again.  It saddens you that that moment in time will never happen again and you would love to feel that energy once more.

Now look at your present situation and see everything around you.  Pay attention to the objects, sounds, smells, colors and temperature of this moment and stamp the memory in your mind of what you are experiencing.

Now envision you are in the future, it could be five or ten years from now and you are looking back to this moment you are currently in.  Feel nostalgia for this current moment like you did for the other one.  Realize that this present moment of now will never happen again and you wished you would have paid more attention to what was around you and who was in your life.  This present moment is only here briefly and it has so much to teach and share with you.  Cherish it and hold it dear for in the future you will long for it and pine for it like you did those other moments in the past.


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