Why Use Affirmations?

Affirmations are an important part of reprogramming your mind to focus on thoughts that you would like to think versus thoughts that you habitually think.  Going through life we develop habits of thought that keep is in a feedback loop of thinking about what we are seeing and seeing what we are thinking about.  As many are becoming aware of the Law of Attraction they are realizing that thoughts create reality and in order to change a recurring unwanted situation it is necessary to change recurring and unwanted thoughts.

An important tool in that endeavor is the use of affirmations.  By making a list of preferred thoughts and saying them repeatedly we can consciously choose what our minds will focus on instead of unconsciously focusing on whatever is in front of us.  We can think of these thoughts as seeds that we are planting in our minds and then watering and fertilizing them each day by repeating them.

There is a host of research that proves this process is successful and many have seen miraculous results by doing it.  One amazing story is that of Dr. Joe Dispenza who details his experience of facing a rod implant after biking accident, but amazingly heals himself through his process of “mental rehearsal.”  He continues to share his research on this topic and shows scientifically how we can “rewire” our brains and subsequently our bodies through this mental rehearsal process.

Make an effort each day to envision your day as you would like it to unfold and focus on the feelings that you would like to experience. Then as your day progress be mindful of your experiences and notice when anything happens that matches your vision and/or feelings from the morning exercise.  This will help you build a conscious connection between your internal and external world and allow you to more consciously choose your daily experience.


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