Deeper Meaning in Numbers

I had this revelation around 15 years ago while jogging, that the number 9 was a number of divinity, the number 3 was a number of completion and 6 was a number of change.  I had heard about the significance of other numbers but let me provide a list of the meaning that has resonated with me over the years.

  • 1 – unity
  • 2 – duality
  • 3 – completion of a group, set or idea as in mother, father, child
  • 4 – the directions of north, south, east, west (the angels number is said to be 444)
  • 5 – the elements of earth, water, fire, air, ether
  • 6 – change or chaos, a complete change is 666
  • 7 – a complete system as in the 7 colors, 7 notes of a scale
  • 8 – humanity, Jesus represented a complete human being thus his name in Hebrew (which uses numbers and letters simultaneously is 888)
  • 9 – divinity and in keeping with the idea of 3 as the number of completion 999 is complete divinity

The number 9 has special properties because if you add a number to it you will get that number back, but if you multiply a number to it you will get 9 back.  The insight I received from this characteristic was that by only focusing on yourself and adding to your personal knowledge and material wealth you will get yourself back. But if you help others and spread the knowledge and awareness you’ve received you will get divinity or God back.

You have to multiply or apply to the multitude your gifts, talents, awareness and abilities.  If you just acquire additional things for yourself or just add the divine blessings to your supply, you will only see how selfish you are.

Many people have assigned various meanings to numbers over the centuries and this is the awareness I’ve received from contemplating on these ideas.   I encourage you to go within and see which meaning resonates with you.  


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