Han Solo, Luke and Obi Wan Could Be the Same Person

If you think about it Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Obi Wan Kenobi could represent the life cycle of anyone of us at various points of adulthood (they could also be the same person at different points in time).  

Luke in his early adulthood is the archetype of the naive hero who believes he can conquer everything through sheer will, strength and determination.  He loves his friends and will give his life for them.  He is battling the past traditions and authority represented by his father Darth Vader.

Han Solo in his middle-aged years had dreams but realized that the universe is a cold place and can treat you very badly even if you have good intentions, hence the name Solo.  He’s in it for himself and wants money whenever someone needs him.  He leaves the Rebel Alliance high and dry right in the middle of the major battle in Episode IV.  However he has a good heart and comes to Luke’s rescue right at the last moment to help him destroy the Death Star.

Obi Wan in his old age has gone through the ups and downs of life and has become a recluse leaving the world behind only to return when the Rebel Alliance needs him and he finds a pupil to pass his knowledge of the Force to.

Watching the movie with this perspective can help give you insights into how you deal with your own life circumstances.  When you see Han Solo about to miss out on an opportunity for closeness and connection because of his guarded sense of self, consider your own circumstances and ask yourself if you are doing the same thing.

When you see Luke rushing to become a Jedi, ask yourself if you are rushing to be something that you want to be and missing out on crucial steps in the process.

Endeavor to be like Obi Wan and look at things with a broader perspective and a grander plan.  When we thought Luke was going to die on the ice planet exposed to the elements, Obi Wan showed up in his astral form and nonchalantly told him to go to Dagoba to finish his training.  He knew Luke would be alright despite the circumstances.  That’s the level of faith and commitment we should all have.

Enjoy the day and May the 4th be with you.


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