Everything is Vibration and Has a Frequency

Everything is vibration and has a frequency

Let’s take a look at our world from the atomic perspective.  All matter is composed of atoms.  Atoms are 99.9% space along with electrons, protons and neutrons.  These particles are also made of 99.9% space.  So when we get down to it, most of this universe is made of space.  Another important aspect is that all of these particles are in constant motion.  So everything in this universe is moving even if it looks like it is standing still.  Thus everything is vibrating.

Vibration is defined as the movement or oscillation of a particle. This particle movement creates a frequency.  Frequency is defined as the rate that sound travels through air.   This frequency also creates a pitch or a note.  Thus everything has a pitch and can be “tuned.”

Now let’s get specific.  Musical instruments are tuned to a specific frequency and resonance and they have mechanisms to help keep them in tune as they expand and contract overtime through constant use.  Our bodies are much like these instruments.  They are in constant use and motion and expand and contract through time.  Every now and then we need to be re-tuned to keep our frequency in balance.  We all have a resonant frequency because we are all vibrating.

There is another aspect to this that brings in our first revelation about most of the universe being made of space.  It has been shown that thoughts have frequencies.  If thoughts are vibrations then they help to create resonances of our bodies.  If we consider this even further we can see that vibration creates matter because particles coalesce and form through the interaction of their frequencies.  Thus thought because of its vibratory properties, creates form.


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