Many Truths one Truth

Many Truths one Truth

I’ve noticed that in conversation people may say things that you may disagree with. You can choose to respond to them and make it clear where you stand or sometimes you don’t respond. Let people have their truth if its true for them. You in turn have your own truth and follow the path that’s true for you. Discussion is not as important as implementation. Know what is true for you in the present and act on that knowledge. In the absence of knowledge…ask and be still.  

Some may ask how can two opposing views be true? That’s because it is true for those holding those views. It is in their individual time and space. In order to grasp how their individual views can be true you have to understand that We are all the same person experiencing ourselves at different time space coordinates. In the world of things, the material world of polarity, we see the existence of opposites. But in the world of spirit there are no opposites. Everything just IS.


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