Mantras, Healing and Balance

Mantras, Healing and Balance

Mantra helps to harmonize our physical, mental and emotional selves with our spiritual self.  Through the repetition of sound and an arrangement of frequency patterns we are able to arrange our own frequencies to a harmonious state.  This is possible because our bodies and all the molecules and atoms within us are vibrating at certain frequencies.  Everything in the universe is in motion and it is that motion that gives vibration, frequency and pitch.  It is not just physical objects that are in motion, thoughts and emotions are in motion as well.  Thus mantra helps to harmonize these as well.  

Just like a tuning fork a mantra gives the correct pitch and when we recite this pitch we are exerting the necessary physical action to tune our instrument.  If we have a guitar or a violin we turn the knobs to tighten or loosen the strings.  If we have a woodwind instrument we push the mouthpiece in or pull it out to raise our lower the pitch.  By chanting mantras we are tuning our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves to the right frequency to create healing and balance.


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