We Can Scientifically Experience All Levels of Consciousness

Through our thoughts we can experience any situation.  We can go back in time and re-live positive or negative experiences that helped to shape us.  We can also “put ourselves in someone else’s shoes” to understand and feel what it is they are going through.  Through the mind we can create many situations and experience what we would like to have in the future.  

I love to watch Close Encounters, Star Wars and ET because I loved the music of John Williams and how he was able to create the wonder and awe of the moment through sound.  For me when I watch those movies and hear the music I remember the time when I was a little kid and went to the theater to see the movie.  I remember the feeling of awe and joy I had when I watched the movie and how life was such an amazing and awe-inspiring experience for me at that age.  I didn’t have a lot of things and we were definitely on the low end of the middle-class but I was happy and had a wonder and awe of the world around me.  Especially for astronomy, science, art, music, history and language.  I loved to learn and loved going to museums (I still do).  Through my mind I can re-live those times and re-gain the feelings and emotions of that time by conjuring up those thoughts.  I don’t have to watch the movie, I can replay those feelings in mind.

When we detach ourselves from the awareness of our body we can have the experience of being a creator.  If you have ever felt the sensation where you don’t feel your limbs or your body, then you are in that detached state where your mind is now free of its bodily limitations.  It may happen subtly with no fanfare or major sensation.  You just have a sensation that you are not in a body.  This is the moment where we can project ourselves to different realms and situations or travel astrally.  Eventually the goal that we want to attain is to become still and have no thoughts or images and allow the cosmic consciousness to come through.  It is in this state where we get guidance, healing, energy, and a higher vibration that remains when we travel back to physical consciousness.  It is this experience which occurs over many times that can re-energize, re-tune, and reharmonize our selves (physical, emotional, spiritual) to the cosmic energy.  When we reach that higher vibrational frequency consistently we are able to maintain a level of equilibrium in all life circumstances and live a healthy and magnified existence.  We will derive more from life and be able to do amazing things that can be called miraculous.  These will be easy for us because we will be connected to the energy source from which all things come.  

Some will call you super-human because of your achievements and how they seem abnormal.  That’s exactly what the goal is: to be beyond human, to be divine.  What passes for normal should really be the abnormal.  Mundane existence that does not experience happiness, joy and bliss should be abnormal.  Everyone should be feeling connected or close to being connected to the source of all and should be endeavoring to stay in constant integrated awareness of their cosmic self.  This is the goal of human existence.


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