"In the beginning was the word"

The brain is processing 400 billion bits of information from our senses yet our awareness is only on 2,000 bits.  This means that there is a whole lot going on around us that we are not aware of.  We may perceive it through our preceptors but we have not associated the information with any meaningful concept or idea that we have on file.  Thus you could be seeing, hearing or touching a whatsajigit from planet Kabubalon and not even know it because you never experienced a whatsajigit before and don't have a word for it.  This was the case when the Pilgrims came to the shores of North America and the Native peoples did not know what a tall ship was.  The shaman of the village eventually saw them out in the water and had to describe them to the people in order for them to see them.  By creating a word for something we actually create existence.  "In the beginning was the word."


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