We Are One - An Entangled Mass of Consciousness

A deeper awareness of the phrase "We are One" came to me this afternoon while driving home.  Quantum physics is proving that we are one through the idea of entanglement and superposition.  Entanglement basically says that we are all connected or "entangled" through the fabric of space time and that whatever happens to someone, another person will experience it instantaneously if they focus on that person.  We have the ability to communicate, experience and interact with others through space and time faster than the speed of light.  Originally the theory was (according to Einstein) the speed of  light was the fastest that anything or anyone could travel. Now because of the theory of entanglement it is believed that energy can travel instantaneously.  In order to experience this phenomenon however it is necessary to remove your identification with your self (small "s") and identify with your Self (capital "S").  In this way we make contact with our superposition that is aware of everything in the universe.  We shift from being a particle and become a wave of possibilities.  It is in this state that we can take on multiple identities in different dimensions and become aware of them all.  Thus we become like the piece of a hologram, a three dimensional image with the full image of the universe contained within.  We are One, the superposition of the Self that is entangled with our many selves.

This is a fantastic article that explains quantum physics in relation to God realization


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